Monthly Mixtapes: “In the Dollar Bin” (February 2011)
Ok, I’mjust gonna list the reasons why I made this mixtape:
- February is a tough month. In NYC, it’s usually the coldest, icy-est, most brutal month of the year. Last February I got sicker than I’ve been since I was a little kid. You can get kind of swallowed up by the city in February. So instead of doing something more downbeat and mellow, I figured I’d break out some upbeat records to keep things moving forward during the next few weeks.
- I love dollar bins. I’ve done a few tapes of dollar (or less) records, and figured it was time to get back into the crates for the funk. Shout out to my man Verbal Math and all the dollar heads out there.
- Recent travels in the Northwest (SEA/TAC/PDX) the past couple months revealed some dollar treasures that I thought needed sharing.
- I needed to throw out a couple donuts in tribute to Dilla, RIP.
- It gave me an excuse to play some LLCOOLJ.
- I do monthly mixtapes.
— DJ Ian Head